Due to generous funding from Sourcewell we will be able to continue our collaborative work with the Pohl Children’s Foundation through our Forever Horses program for a second year!
Forever Horses ended it’s July 2023 – June 2024 Session with a total of seven children participating in the program. We started our second year Session 1 in July of 2024 with 4 participants. As of November 21st, we have added two more participants for a total of 6 participants.
The children who participate in the Forever Horses program learn not only how to ride a horse, but also how to take care of the horse in every aspect of their lives. This includes brushing, tacking up for riding, untacking, keeping their equipment clean and cleaning their stalls. YES, our children scoop poop! It’s all part of it and we have had no complaints about any portion of their learning experience.
Click on the link to find out more information on how to apply to be a part of this program.